Tuesday, November 2, 2010

If you were more than just my maths tutor

If you were more than just my maths tutor, I would never let you feel alone
I would be the person that finally got you to open up,
The one that you opened up to.

If you were more than just my best friend, I would make you see that you have a wonderful smile.

A smile that can always make me smile

Even when I try to resist it.

I would make you realize that you don’t have chubby cheeks

And that photo’s of you are always better when you are smiling,

Not pouting.

If you were more than just secretly my soul mate, I would want you to be the best that you can possibly be.

I would always remind you that I believe in you.

That I believe you can do anything.

If you were more than just my go-to-guy, I wouldn’t let you take care of yourself when you are sick.

I would make sure you always had the right medication,

That you were always comfortable,

Warmer, or cooler,

And then I would rub your back or scratch your head

To remind you that I care about you more than words could ever describe.

If you were more than just my favourite person to tease, I would challenge you,

Tease you,

Play around with you,

But never play with your heart.

If you were more than just my dream boyfriend, I would make sure that you knew just how extraordinary you really are.

Just how extraordinary I think you are.

If you were more than just my perfect person, I would travel the world with you

And share memories with you that I will never forget.

If you were more than just the guy I’d most like to kiss, I would remind you of your worth,

And that’s why I could never let you go.

It’s when you finally realize someone’s worth that you fall in love.

When you realize that they’re worth more than life itself.

You are worth more than life itself.

If you were more than just my matric dance partner, I would always make you my plus one.

And I would always drag you on the dance floor.

If you were more than just my house sitter, I would give you a massage whenever you needed.

Cook for you or with you every night.

Laugh on the couch with you while watching people on wipeout.

And always share my champagne with you.

If you were more than just my gym friend, I would do track class for you,

You know that’s saying a lot.

If you were more than just my crush, I would go to every water polo game,

To cheer you on,

To give you snacks when you’re done

And to show you that I enjoy anything that involves you.

I would make you laugh when you are frustrated

I would listen when you have to vent

I would distract you when you need to forget

Remind you when you need to remember

And be there for you always.

I would always remind you that I love you.

I would be the happiest I could ever be

If you were more than just my maths tutor

My best friend

My house sitter

My matric dance partner

My go-to-guy

My favourite person to tease

My dream boyfriend

My perfect person

My crush

My Secret soul mate

My gym friend

The guy I’d most like to kiss

Not only because that’s what you deserve

But because I believe that’s what I am destined to do.

1 comment:

  1. <3
    i wish i had more to say but im speechless. this is beautiful, B. please send it to him*
    i love you, forever xoxo
